Thursday, November 5, 2009

4 Poems You May Read At My Funeral

... not because they are about death or dying, but because I like them.

[I recently acquired a book: 101 Famous Poems. It was my great grandma's.]

Opportunity by Edward R. Sill

How Did You Die? by Edmund Vance Cooke (I guess this is about dying.)

If by Rudyard Kipling (There are a lot of videos of this poem online.)

I Shall Not Pass This Way Again by Eva Rose York (I can't find a video of this poem... maybe I should make one.)


Nik said...

Tweeted this 'cuz I liked it.

Josh Cintron said...

Thanks for sharing this information. Viewing a video of poetry is much different than reading words. I welcome you to read my funeral and sympathy poems. Hopefully you find value in them. =]